Publications in 2002 and after
by Kumiyo Nakakoji
Japanese Publications
Kumiyo's Home
/ KID Research Home
| 1995
| 1996
| 1997
| 1998
| 1998-J
| 1999
| 1999-J
| 2000
| 2000-J
| 2001
| 2001-J
| 2002 | 2002-J
| 2003
| 2003-J
| 2004
| 2004-J
| 2005
| 2005-J
| 2006
| 2006-J
| 2007
| 2007-J
| 2008
| 2008-J
| 2009
| 2009-J
| 2010
| 2010-J
| 2011
| 2011-J
K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, A. Aoki, Interaction Design as a Collective Creative Process, Proceedings of Creativity and Cognition2002, Loughborough, UK, pp.103-110, October, 2002. [PDF]
Y. Ye, K. Kishida, K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, A. Aoki, Creating and Maintaining Sustainable Open Source
Software Communities, Proceedings of International Symposium on Future Software Technology (ISFST2002) (CD-ROM), Wuhan, China, October, 2002.
K. Kurakawa, K. Nakakoji, A Conceptual Design Support System for Structuring and Visualizing Design Information Grounded by Scenarios, Proceedings of International Symposium on Future Software Technology (ISFST2002) (CD-ROM), Wuhan, China, October, 2002.
- Y. Yamamoto, K. Nakakoji, A. Aoki, Spatial Hypertext for Linear-Information Authoring: Interaction Design and System Development Based on the ART Design Principle, Proceedings of Hypertext2002, ACM Press, pp.35-44, June, 2002. [PDF]
- Y. Yamamoto, K. Nakakoji, A. Aoki, Visual Interaction Design for Tools to Think with: Interactive Systems for Designing Linear Information, Proceedings of the Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI2002), ACM Press, Torento, Italy, pp.367-372, May, 2002. [PDF]
- K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Nishinaka, K. Kishida, Y. Yunwen, Evolution Patterns of Open-Source Software Systems and Communities, Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution (IWPSE2002), ACM Press, Orlando, FL., pp.76-85, May, 2002. [PDF]
- K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, A. Aoki, Third Annual Special Issue on Interface Design, Interactions, ACM Press, Vol.IX.2, pp.99-102, March+April, 2002. [web]
- K. Yamada, K. Nakakoji, H. Masuda, Y. Baba, Computer Support for Customizing e-Learning Contents --- Detection of Similar Users by Collaborative Filtering, JSAI, SIG-IES-A202-10, pp.57-62, October, 2002 (in Japanese).
- M. Ohira, K. Nakakoji, M. Matsushita, T. Owada, K. Kuwabara, Horizontal vs. Vertical Shared Information Space:
A Study of Influences on Communications during Using the EVIDII System, IPSJ-SIGHI-99, pp.47-54, August, 2002 (in Japanese)
- M. Ohira, K. Kurakawa, K. Nakakoji, A Meeting Capture System That Helps Recovering Context During Group Meetings, Proceedigns of the 64th IPSJ Bianual Conference, Special Track on (1) Groupware and Network Services, Vol.4, pp.387-390, 2002 (in Japanese).
- A. Takashima, Y. Yamamoto, K. Kurakawa, Representing and Interacting with Temporal Data through Focus+Context of Time, Proceedigns of the 64th IPSJ Bianual Conference, Special Track on (2) Human Interface, Vol.4, pp.615-622, 2002 (in Japanese).
Last Update :
| 1995
| 1996
| 1997
| 1998
| 1998-J
| 1999
| 1999-J
| 2000
| 2000-J
| 2001
| 2001-J
| 2002 | 2002-J
| 2003
| 2003-J
| 2004
| 2004-J
| 2005
| 2005-J
| 2006
| 2006-J
| 2007
| 2007-J
| 2008
| 2008-J
| 2009
| 2009-J
| 2010
| 2010-J
| 2011
| 2011-J