Publications in 2001 by Kumiyo
2001 Japanese Publications
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- K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, What does the Representation Talk Back to You?, Knowledge-Based Systems Journal, Special Issue on Semiotic Approaches to Human-Computer Interaction, Elsevior Science, Vol.14., No.8, pp.449-453, 2001. [PDF]
- M. Ohira, Y. Yamamoto, K. Kurakawa, K. Nakakoji, L-EVIDII: a Learning Environment for Supporting Project-based Collaborative Learning, Information and Systems in Education, Journal of Japanese Society for Information and Systems in Education, Vol.18, No.3-4(Autumn-Winter), pp.328-339, December, 2001 (in Japanese).
- Y. Yamamoto, K. Nakakoji, A. Aoki, ARTWare: A Component Library for Building Domain-Oriented Authoring Environments, International Conference on Future Software Technology 2001, Software Engineers Associates, ZhengZhou, China, pp. 246-251, November, 2001. [PDF]
- T. Kamiya, K. Nakakoji, A. Takashima, CHIOPA: A Language for Human-Computer Interactions - Toward Desirable Computer Systems, IPSJ-SIGHI-96-9, pp.63-70, November, 2001, (in Japanese).
- K. Nakakoji, T. Kamiya, A. Takashima, Y. Yamamoto, A Representation and Interactive Viewer for Human-Computer Interaction, Proceedings of the Human Interface Symposium 2001, Human Interface Society, Japan, pp. 155-158, Osaka, October, 2001 (in Japanese).
- K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, Spatial Positioning as a Representation that Helps us Think, Position Paper for First Workshop on Spatil Hypertext, Hypertext'01, Aaruhus, Denmark, August, 2001 (
- K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, A. Aoki, Jun-ART: A Coponent Library for Building Interactive Spatial Hypermedia Systems, Posters and Demonstrations Proceedings of Hypertext'01, ACM, Aaruhus, Denmark, p.18, August, 2001.
- K. Nakakoji, A. Takashima, Y. Yamamoto, Cognitive Effects of Animated Visualization in Exploratory Visual Data Analysis, Information Visualisation 2001, IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamos, CA., pp.77-84, July, 2001. [PDF]
- K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, Taxonomy of Open-Source Software Developement, First Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering Position Papers, ICSE2001, Toronto, Canada, May, 2001 (
- K. Nakakoji, Collective Creation through Self-Reflective Communication, ISCIE Journal, Vol.45, No.6, pp.314-321, June, 2001 (in Japanese).
- A. Aoki, K. Hayashi, K. Kishida, K. Nakakoji, Y. Nisinaka, B. Reeves, A.
Takashima, Y. Yamamoto, A Case Study of the Evolution of Jun: an Object-Oriented
Open-Source 3D Multimedia Library, Proceedings of International Conference on Software
Engineering (ICSE2001), Toronto, CA., IEEE Computer Society, Los Alamos, CA., pp.524-533, May, 2001. [PDF]
- N. Komagata, M. Ohira, K. Kurakawa, K. Nakakoji, A Cognitive system that Supports Note-Taking in a Real-Time Class Lecture, IPSJ-SIG-HI94-07, pp.35-40, July, 2001 (in Japanese).
- H. Tanaka, K. Kurakawa, K. Nakakoji, A Conceptual Design Support System that Structurizes and Visualizes Multimedia Design Information, IPSJ-SIG-HI94-07, pp.61-68, July, 2001 (in Japanese).
- Y. Yamamoto, A. Aoki, K. Nakakoji, Time-ART: A Tool for Segmenting and
Annotating Multimedia Data in Early Stages of Exploratory Analysis, CHI'2001, Extended Abstract, pp.113-114, April 2001. [PDF]
- A. Takashima, K. Kurakawa, Y. Yamamoto, K. Nakakoji, Information Animation for Understanding Data with Temporal Variations, HIP, HIP2000
-57, pp.15-22, March, 2001 (in Japanese).
- W. Nakagawa, K. Kurakawa, K. Nakakoji, CAPADY: An Interactive System based on a Cognitive Model of Musical Composition, IPSJ-SIG-MUS-39-16, pp.105-112, Februrary, 2001 (in Japanese).
- W. Nakagawa, K. Kurakawa, K. Nakakoji, Musical Composition Support through
the Extraction and Application of Expressive Features Based on Human Performance,
IPSJ-SIG-HI92-02, pp.9-16, January, 2001 (in Japanese).
- A. Takashima, K. Kurakawa, Y. Yamamoto, K. Nakakoji, Representing and Interacting
with Complex Data with Temporal Variations, IPSJ-SIG-HI-92-02, pp.31-38, January, 2001 (in Japanese).
- K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Nishinaka, K. Kishida, Toward Taxonomy of Open Source: A Case Study on Four Different Types of Open-Source Software Development Projects, SRA-KTL Technical Report-2001-12-08, 2001. [PDF]
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