Publications in 1999 by Kumiyo
Japanese Publications
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- K. Nakakoji, G. Fischer, J. Ostwald, ``Supporting Asynchronous Collaboration
in Evolutionary Design with Representations of Context and Intent,'' in Designing
Communication and Collaboration Support Systems (Chap.11), (Y. Matsushita
Ed), Gordon and Breach Publishing Group, pp.193-212, 1999.
- Y. Yamamoto, S. Takada, K. Nakakoji, Support for Collage-Style writing
by Amplifying Representational Talkback, Journal of Japanese Society for Artificial
Intelligence, Vol.14, No.1, pp. 82-92, January, 1999 (in Japanese).
K. Torii, K. Matsumoto, K. Nakakoji, Y. Takada, S. Takada, K. Shima: Ginger2:
An Environment for CAESE (Computer-Aided Empirical Software Engineering),
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol.25., No.4, pp.474-492, July/August, 1999.
F. Ikeda, Y. Yamamoto, S. Takada, K. Nakakoji, Case Studies on the Production and Use of Knowledge toward Development of a Community Knowledge-Based Environment, Journal of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol.40, No.11, pp.3887-3895, November, 1999 (in Japanese).
- K. Nakakoji, Y. Yamamoto, M. Ohira,
A Framework that Supports Collective Creativity in Design using Visual Images,
Creativity and Cognition'99, Loughborough, UK., ACM Press, New York, NY.,
pp.166-173, October, 1999. [PDF]
- K. Nakakoji, S. Takada, Y. Yamamoto,
Two-Dimensional Positioning as a Means to Represent Strategic Knowledge in
Design, Strategic Knowledge and Concept Formation 99, Iwate, Japan, pp. 109-121,
October, 1999. [PDF]
- Y. Yamamoto, B.N. Reeves, K. Nakakoji, ART: A Cognitive Tool for Writing,
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Future Software Technology (ISFST-99),
Nanjing, China, Software Engineers Associates, pp. 217-222, October, 1999.
- F. Ikeda, M. Sakamaki, H. Aoki, S. Takada, K. Nakakoji, Improving Software
Quality from the Viewpoints of Knowledge Production and the Work Environment,
The 6th European Conference on Software Quality, Wien, Austria, pp.306-317, April, 1999.
- F. Ikeda, S. Takada, K. Nakakoji: "Examing shared knowledge at production
time and use time", Proceedings of the International Workshop on Collaboration and
Mobile Computing (CMC)'99, D. Panda, M. Takizawa (Eds.), IEEE Computing Society,
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan, pp.94-99, September, 1999.
M. Ohira, Y. Yamamoto, S. Takada, K. Nakakoji, EVIDII: An Environment that
Supports Understanding "Differences" Among People, International Conference
on Cognitive Science 99 (ICCS 99), pp. 466-471. July, 1999.
F. Matsuura, S. Takada, K. Nakakoji, An Approach to Visuale the History of E-mail Communication, IPSJ-SIG Groupware, 99-GW-31C
pp.43-48CJanualy, 1999 (in Japanese).
F. Ikeda, S. Takada, K. Nakakoji, Quality of Knowledge based on the Production-time and Use-time Analysis, Software Engineers Associates, pp.119-126, June, 1999 (in Japanese).
T. Katsuma, Y. Yamamoto, S. Takada, K. Nakakoji, Integrating Multiple Representations that Emerge in a Document Construction Process, IPSJ-SIG-HI, 99-HI-83, pp. 55-60, May, 1999 (in Japanese).
M. Ohira, Y. Yamamoto, S. Takada, K. Nakakoji, EVIDII: A System that Supports Cross-Cultural Communication by Visualizing Individual Impressions of Images, Proceedings of the DICOMO 99, Wakayama, Japan, IPSJ, pp. 327-332, July 1999 (in Japanese).
- M. Ohira, Y. Yamamoto, K. Nakakoji, An Environment for Constructing Shared
Understanding through Visualizing Differences of Impressions, Proceedings
of the International Symposium on Future Software Technology (ISFST-99), Nanjing,
China, Software Engineers Associates, pp. 113-118, October, 1999. [PDF]
Last Update :
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