Publications in 1995 by Kumiyo
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K. Nakakoji, B.N. Reeves, A. Aoki, H. Suzuki, and K.
``eMMaC: Knowledge-Based Color Critiquing Support for Novice
Multimedia Authors,'' Proceedings of ACM Multimedia'95, ACM Press, San
Francisco, CA, pp.467-476, November, 1995. [html]
K. Nakakoji, B.N. Reeves, ``Embedding the Design Process in the
Artifact: Computational Support for Collaborative System Design,'' Journal
of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineering, Vol.34, No.12, pp.
948-953, December, 1995 (in Japanese).
K. Schneider, K. Nakakoji, ``Collaborative Learning as Interplay Betwen
Simulation Model Builder and Player,'' Proceedings of Computer Support for
Collaborative Learning'95, ACM Press, Bloomington, IN., October 1995, pp.
U. Malinowski, K. Nakakoji, ``Using Computational Critics to Facilitate
Long-term Collaboration in User Interface Design,'' Human Factors in
Computing Systems, CHI'95 Conference Proceedings, ACM, 1995, pp. 385-392.
G. Fischer, K. Nakakoji, J. Ostwald, ``Supporting the Evolution of
Design Artifacts with Representations of Context and Intent,'' Proceedings
of the Design of Interactive Systems, ACM, Ann Arbor, MI, Augutst 1995,
pp. 7-15.
K. Nakakoji, A. Aoki, H. Suzuki, K. Mizushima, ``Experience and
Analysis of ImageSearcher in the Smalltalk Environment: an Image Retrieval
System by Analyzing Properties of Images (Gazou no Zokusei Bunsekiniyoru
Kensaku System ImageSearher no Smalltalk Kankyo ni okeru Kaihatsu Jirei no
Houkoku oyobi Sono Bunseki),'' Proceedings of the Object-Oriente
Symposium'95, Japan Information Processing Society, Tokyo, Japan, June
1995, pp. 253-260, (in Japanese).
K.Nakakoji and G. Fischer, "Intertwining Knowledge Delivery, Construction, and Elicitation:
A Process Model for Human-Computer Collaboration in Design,"Knowledge-Based Systems Journal: Special Issue on
Human-Computer Collaboration, Vol.8, No.2-3, Butterworth-Heinemann
Ltd, Oxford, England, pp. 94-104, 1995. [html]
G. Fischer, D. Redmiles, L. Williams, G. Puhr, A. Aoki, K. Nakakoji,
``Beyond Object-Oriented Development: Where Current Object-Oriented
Approaches Fall Short,'' Human-Computer Interaction, Vol.10, No.1, 1995,
pp. 79-119.
K. Nakakoji A. Aoki, H. Suzuki, K. Mizushima, ``MUDE: A Knowledge-based
Multimedia Authoring Environment,'' Technical report IPA-MM95-1, IPA
(Information Technology Promotion Agency), MITI, January 1995.
Last Update :
| 1995 | 1996
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